Membership Application Form

You can apply online using the form on this page or if  you prefer you can also apply by post.

Join today and your Membership will be valid until
31st March 2025.

Before you Apply

Please make sure that you have read The NCCC Data Protection and Privacy Policies and Constitution.

Our Membership secretary aims to promptly process applications within a couple of days but if you are still waiting for your Membership pack after a week or have any questions then please contact –

Ginnie Hayes
Membership Secretary
07947 480113

You can also ask for further information using our Contact Us form.

Apply by post

To apply by post download and complete the membership application form and send it to the address at the bottom of the form. Please make sure that you have read the NCCC Data Protection and Privacy Policies and the club's Constitution before you fill in the Membership Application Form. If you wish to set up a standing order please use this form and hand it into your bank for processing.

To apply online and pay

To apply online and if you use Internet Banking then please use the form below. The bank transfer details are as follows:

Payee Name: The New Companions Camping Club
Sort code: 20-36-98 (Barclays Bank PLC)
Account: 80621102
Tick the box. – Are you paying a business?
And put your name in the Reference Box.

Please note that Your Online Membership Application will not be processed until your initial membership fee has been received. For subsequent years a Standing Order can also be set up using Internet Banking, payable on the 1st March annually.

On Line Application Form