Author: RobinR

Login Lockout

Updates to the website security software includes a lockout after three failed attempts at logging in either with an incorrect user name or password. A message will advise that you have been locked out...

Password Reset has changed!

If you need to reset your password then you will no longer receive a new password by email. You will receive an email that contains a link to reset your password. This eliminates the...

New Content Added

February edition of the ChronicleMinutes for the December 20 Committee MeetingMinutes for the January 21 Committee Meeting

New Meeting Reports added

New reports have been added on a redesigned page for Northumberland, Wyeside, Ashbourne and Chatsworth and Dorset. Also a an interesting account by Helen Davison of her Solitary Pilgrimage around the East Sussex coast.

New buy and sell section to be added to website.

Have you got items you would like to sell within the club? Send photo(s), item description and price to Don’t forget to include contact details and how you are going to get the...

Website New

A Posts Archive page has been added to help if you are looking for a particular post. The page displays a list of posts by heading, author and date posted in date descending order....